Ennen lomaa oli k-y-l-m-ä (-30c). Visiitti talolle osoitti sen, että huopikkaat (aidot 70-luvun sellaiset) ovat paras mahdollinen kenkäpari pakkasella. Huomio kohdistui myös jänisten jälkiin. Eivät ole hylänneet vanhaa asumistoaan, ruojat! Tietänee tukalia hetkiä ensi kesän taimille.
It was pretty cold before the holidays. As you can see we've also had enough of snow this winter. A second decent winter in a row! You can also see that the rabbits haven't moved away from their old territory. I wish they would have (considering the farming of the next summer)....
i'm dreaming of being there. the last picture is very beautiful.
VastaaPoistaThanks Irene. My fingertips were pretty frosen by the time I was taking that picture.